Once you open the final folder, scroll all the way down to the bottom and find the Sims.exe file. Go to C: > Program Files (x86) > Maxis > The Sims.Install all discs included with the game version you own.If you have been hit with the dreaded “Please login with administrator privileges and try again” error message, this tutorial will help you bypass it in order to play. However, other players have reported success with individual discs, The Sims Deluxe, Double Deluxe, and Mega Deluxe. ❗ NOTE: I installed The Sims Complete Collection, so this tutorial may only work for this game and no other. There is no guarantee that you’ll be able to play the game.

❗ NOTE: The instructions in this tutorial worked on my two PC’s, but may not work for you. I’ve messed around in game for a few hours and everything seems to be working great on my end. ❗ WARNING : I have not played long enough to know if there are any issues or other types of problems post-fix. Download and install patches and fixes at your own risk. ❗ WARNING : S imsVIP does not assume liability should any 3rd party downloads cause harm to your PC or game.