Harmony Gold seems to have generally lost interest in the Robotech RPG's 2nd Edition around the time they ran out of material that was actually based on the show (c. though that's far from the most extreme deviation that the 2nd Edition Robotech RPG contains, and that particular factoid happens to be supported by Macross Chronicle's own Mechanic Sheet for the MBR-04-Mk.VI Tomahawk (Mechanic SDF:M UN 08A). You mean the same 2nd Edition RPG that decided the Tomahawk has a crew of 2 despite line art and animation showing just one seat? Harmony Gold approved that? That was their lead-in to grandiose promises that the new edition would be much more accurate, because Harmony Gold would be exercising an editorial approval over everything before it went to print to ensure Palladium didn't cock it up again. They didn't pull any punches there, and basically dismissed the old RPG as a poorly-researched, low-quality mess that was Robotech in name only and would never have gotten approved for publication had management not been asleep at the switch. The snub came about five years later in 2006, when Palladium Books reacquired the Robotech license from Harmony Gold and the Harmony Gold representatives did a podcast interview about the new license and forthcoming "2nd Edition" RPG. (Most Macross sites don't differentiate between equipment for the TV and movie VF-1s.) They copied so energetically and so blindly from Japanese sources that they accidentally copied things that don't even appear in their Robotech adaptation, like the VF-1 Valkyrie's UUM-7 micro-missile pods from DYRL?. The main exception being Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross, which had no detailed tech specs and only minimal reference art, leaving them to swing for the fences armed with only the minimal detail from a few pamphlets and This is Animation 10: Southern Cross when writing their Masters Saga material. When Harmony Gold launched the Robotech official website back in '01 and decided to build an official encyclopedia into the site, the lion's share of the information was drawn from Japanese publications for the original shows rather than from any Robotech publication.

but such snubs have been delivered in the past. Is that a clear & intentional snubbing towards the RPG (and the Miniatures game)?

Spartan, Defender ( not the names from the Palladium RPG i.e. Odd: The Destroids are using the SDFM names i.e.