His bracelet is left on sands and is now the guide to locating him and the Army Of Anubis.ĥ,000 years later, in 1933 A.D, Rick O'Connell has long since married Evelyn Carnahan and sired a son, 8-year-old Alex O'Connell. Upon awakening, anyone who kills the Scorpion King can either send his army back to the Underworld or use it to enslave mankind and take over the earth. The King is branded by Anubis and will awaken 5000 years later. Once the battle is ended, however, the Scorpion King's soul is taken to the Underworld, as is the Army of Anubis. The Scorpion King, with his fallen soldiers replaced with the Army of Anubis itself, returns to Thebes and continues his siege, winning the city and killing many. In response, the god sends out a large black scorpion from the sands, which the warrior chews up, despite its successful attempts to sting him, which results in a great oasis sprouting from the desert. At that point, the Scorpion King himself is dying, and in his last moments, he prays to the god Anubis, pleading for the chance to win one last battle in exchange for his soul. The Scorpion King soon finds himself the last living member of his army, all the others having died from the desert heat, exhaustion, and lack of food or water. After a violent campaign between the Scorpion King's army and the army of Thebes which lasts for seven years, the battle goes to the army of Thebes, who cast out the invaders into the desert of Ahm Shere. In the year 3067 B.C, the Scorpion King, a fearsome warrior who led a vicious campaign to conquer ancient Egypt, marches to the city of Thebes intending to rule.